The combined YW activity was so much fun! Laurel found it on the Internet and we knew we had to do it. She was released a couple of weeks before which put a huge load on our new person, they ended up having Laurel help and it turned out great! The girls had tons of fun, it requires a lot of leaders though so if you do it make sure you get help from everyone and maybe even ask some of the girls mom's to help out! The girls were amazing to see them work together and to see how everyone finished! It was a great end to a wonderful career. I still will have to hit her up for ideas!

The girls trying to figure out the ancient writing on the golden V's from the baseball field!

Rods and rivers, chutes and ladders

Trying to find the 1 piece of rice that is red and get the blind folded person to gasp just that one!
Awesome. I love you all.