For my cousin's Tatum's Birthday, LaNece asked me to help her take kids to Build a Bear! It was so much fun, it makes me want to go back again. I have never been, but I got a super cute owl and loved it! Great experience for the kids and adults.

Tatum the Birthday Girl

Getting instructions of what they get to do!

Garrett filling his bunny with stuffing
My friend Laurel's little girl Maylin was there too, she is so cute, and I am glad Laurel trusted me enough to take her, it was her first birthday party away from mom and she did great!

They then give their animals a bath.

We then went to the food court for ice cream. The kids were so cute, I just had to show you how cute they were with the ice cream! What a fun treat!



The Birthday Girl
Tatum's neighbor

Katie, who I taught in Primary several years ago, she was so cute and so funny!
Garrett got Mint Chocolate chip, I didn't know that he liked that even!
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