Cathy playing the first game, and the table set-up with the stuff for the bags on it!
Meagan and Breeanna getting into the game
McKayla explaining how her game worked

Syd getting ready to tear into the paper wrapped game

At one point everyone got about 2 seconds to try to get it open, before it got passed to the next person who rolled a seven or doubles.

After stuffing the bags the girls made the look really cute with curling ribbon.
Jorie got super creative and weaved the ribbon through the bag, it was super cute!

McKayla explaining how her game worked
Syd getting ready to tear into the paper wrapped game
After stuffing the bags the girls made the look really cute with curling ribbon.
We then played a game where you all sat in a circle and the person standing had to say something they had never done then everyone who had done it had to change seats, who ever was left without a seat was the next up. It was lots of fun!
Sister Johnson running for a seat
Sister Johnson running for a seat
You get an A++! It was so fun! I loved every single minute of it! I love you!!!!!