We were in charge of the YW combined this month, we decided to do a month of service called Pretty in Pink. We kicked it off with the girls drawing a name of someone that they were to do something for during the following week. We played a getting to know you game so if they picked some one they didn't know they would have some idea of who they were and what they could do. We then decorated sugar cookies and did a jelly bean activity guessing the flavor of the jelly beans, we applied the fact that just because something looks like something on the outside, doesn't mean that is what is on the inside. We then had the girls decide what kind of jellybean they would be. We started this about 10 days ago and we are having great success. Our young women are getting to know each other better, beehive's being taken for ice cream by laurels, heart attacks, new friendship created with texting or talking to new people at school etc....

Getting instructions.
Fun. So glad you are in it with me.