Last night we had a great activity. We continued the tradition of reading with our book club, we read The Dragon Slippers, by Jessica Day George. We talked about the book, the friendship's, loyalty, collections etc... We then talked about the story of David and Goliath. We talked about the stones he used and what they represented and then we talked about how the Values are our stones and our actions are the slingshots that but the values into motion. We then made beaded value bracelets. It was a great night with lots of fun!

Sarah and Whitney enjoying the conversation hearts, for treats.

Whitney throwing a heart into Laurel's mouth and into Sarah's mouth, she is quite a shot!

Katelyn and Nicole tying their bracelets shut.
Meagan and McKayla, cute as ever!

Ashley giving Laurel idea's of what kind of activities we can do!
Cathy and Ashlan, always full of smiles!

One of the girls finished bracelet.

Me and Whitney