We has a wonderful opportunity to attend a Live Nativity this week for our activity. It really reminds me of what this season is all about.

Karley out front and getting in line, it was really cold but she was all smiles

Laurel and Alexis smilin for the camera

More and more smiles

They had this man out writing, I saw him as Issiah writing about the birth of the savior. It was the night of the full moon which added to spirit of the night.

The three wise man and the new star, the moon but I thought new star

The beautiful moon

The baby cows outside the nativity
The money changer at the opening of the city

The real reason for the season, what a beautiful realization and spirit that is going to set the right mood. I am so grateful for our savior and his humble beginning that set the stage for his perfect example and his sacrifice for me.
That was so fun. The picture of me and Alexa makes me wonder, "Whose finger is in the background?" Loved that whole night. I was surprised how seeing a real baby made me feel the spirit. I think it made me really see that it was REAL.