Tuesday was our Young Women in Excellence program. We got to plan the wonderful and fun night so we made it exactly what we wanted it to be. It was super fun because of the slide shows that Lynn put together of the pictures from all of the activities that the girls were involved in through out the year. They are true examples of believers.
The girls sang a song call "Just One Little Light". Lynn is in front of them leading them.

A couple of my favorite girls Gerkia and Carley, love them so much!

The girls set-up tables with the projects that they have been working on through the year. This was McKayla's table, she is royalty in the rodeo!

Camille setting up her scrapbook stuff which was really cute.

The refreshments table was really cute and fun with yummy brownies, lemon bars, and pumpkin cookies.

Cathy and Ashlan checking out the other girls stuff.
It was such a fun night... We make a great team ;) so in sinc even when we don't even know it... It's almost like there is some kind of... force or something guiding us to know and do the right things... hmmm... You r awesome!!!