Halloween was on a Saturday and I got to have a party! We had so much fun, and I totally want to have another one already! Mom and Grandma Robinson chit chatting!

Evets and Clara, she is so cute!

I made some of the food and these cute marshmallow witches!
The finished product.

The kids then decorated sugar cookies, here is Tatum she is so cute!
Garrett having fun.

Brooks getting into decorating his cookie.

The kids then decorated sheets with fun Halloween sticker that I got on clearance at the store. Way cute skeletons that they got to put together.

Garrett was pretty intent on what he was doing.

Timmy got home just in time to carve his pumpkin! I love the teeth on his Ogre looking pumpkin.

I made this way yummy pumpkin dip, that is delicious with apples and ginger snap cookies!
The kids getting ready to go out and get the candy.

The pumpkins lined the walk to the door, I have always wanted to do this and it looked so cool!

All the different faces of the pumpkins!

Ghost's to haunt you

Dracula anyone?

my happy pumpkin

the cute kitty cat

my little scared pumpkin
Wow! You guys had fun! Want the pumpkin dip recipe. BE HAPPY!!!