Last week we had a great YW combined activity put on by the Beehives. We had a Trick or Treat where the girls moved from room to room and passed off 3 Value experiences and then made carmel apples. It was awesome and my hat goes off to Kim Shaw who pulled it all together to make a wonderful evening. A cool decoration in one of the presentations.

The girls waiting for their treat after one of the lessons.

The girls waiting for everyone to get started at another Trick or Treat station.

Sister Jarman did a great discussion on making choices now that can affect their lives to come!

Sister Cooper talked about becoming fishers of men and doing more and better missionary work!

Sister Christensen talked about choosing good things instead of OK or not OK things.

Some of the girls dipping and decorating their carmel apples!

McKayla and her beautiful apple! I love this girls' smile!

Sister Farley's apple, yummy, yummy!
I loved these pictures....even when I saw them the first time on your camera while I was looking through your stuff trying to entertain myself.