The sign at the entrance to the cemetery.
It was sobering to see all of the headstones of those who had lost their lives in defense of our country. We went through a section in the cemetery from the Civil War where 70% of the headstones read "unknown soldier". The guide told us that unless you carried a Bible with your name in it, or unless one of your buddies could identify you, you were an "unknown soldier" The army did not start using Dog tags until 1911. 
This sign was around the major sites, it was quiet and peaceful just about every where.
I first noticed that the flag was flying at half mast, which indicates that there is a funeral going on at that moment. We saw 2 different funeral processions going on when we were there. 
We went to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, when we walked up they were doing a wreath ceremony, the older gentlemen are WWII vets who were laying a wreath at the WWII tomb of the unknown. They played Taps and it was very beautiful.
We then were able to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was quite the ceremony, it was very precise and very powerful. Everything was done with precision.
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