Then came the decorating the tree, what fun this year! Clara is old enough to want to help but young enough not to know how. All the kids had fun decorating the tree!
Next was the making of gingerbread houses and let the kids the freedom to do as they pleased. This year mom bought gingerbread house boxes. It made it easy for the kids to get things up and running quickly. The kids had a ton of fun and their house turned out super cute and fun!
Next up in traditions is the Robinson Family Christmas party. It is always on the 23rd come rain, snow or shine. This year grandpa did a spotlight on the birth of Joseph Smith and how it coincides with the celebration of the birth of our Savior. It was a touching moment.
Then came Christmas Eve at our house, with games, presents, kids, cookies, stories and fun. I am not sure that I like the kids new Shock game, but everything else was super fun!
Next comes Christmas morning. Which is really more Christmas noon. I got up early and and made raspberry rolls (which didn't turn out right). I also made homemade baked doughnuts that were delicious. Definitely a make again thing. They were easy and wonderful and everyone seemed to like them!