Today I had my time. My time to cry, my time to rejoice, my time to feel bad for me. And then I snapped out of it. I decided I needed to be inspired. So i got in the car and drove all the way to Brigham City to see the new temple while I could. What did I find, the spirit of love, peace and forever families. I wondered why I had to drive so far to be inspired and I realized that the Lord works in mysterious ways. I love that I can receive personal revalation for me right now. I know life sucks right this very minute, but I listened to conference talks on the way up and the way back and if you haven't listened to, or read Henry B Eyring.
How inspiring. After being at the temple I dont know that this will end. But I know the things that are breaking my heart will be ok!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Women For Mitt
I believe that if people my age would really look at what is happening in our country we would all be voting for Mitt Romney for president.
I suggest watching this video on him
I think it speaks for itself! I hope that everyone will really look at where our country is headed and realize what kind of trouble we will be in if Obama gets re-elected!
I am a woman, I am in my thirties, I am happy, and I am a Mormon, I am voting Mitt Romney for President!
I suggest watching this video on him
I think it speaks for itself! I hope that everyone will really look at where our country is headed and realize what kind of trouble we will be in if Obama gets re-elected!
I am a woman, I am in my thirties, I am happy, and I am a Mormon, I am voting Mitt Romney for President!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Long time!
Long time no post, I just got back from girls camp and I am exhausted. It was lots of fun and lots of work, but I am excited to get back to doing things again not focused on Girls camp.
On the positive, my arthritis condition is doing well and I am feeling well from that perspective.
On the positive, my arthritis condition is doing well and I am feeling well from that perspective.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Young Women's
I don't know if I ever told anyone, but I have been the Young Women's 2nd Counseler for a couple of months. It has been a great experience working with the younger beehives, they are wonderful and excited about everything. Some of the upcoming activities we are doing are
Fort Night
Sacrament Bread Night
Adopt a Grandma
Scripture Bags
Modesty "what does your wrapper say about you?"
Parable of the Popcorn "A night to fulfill our potential"
I would love additional ideas if anyone has them
This week we played Scripture Basketball, all the girls had a ton of fun and are excited for the things that are coming up!
As for me so far so good, my treatments seem to be working, my #'s have come down significantly, the only bummer is my white count is up indicating I have an infection, which could head south quickly, nothing if evident right now which is concerning, but they are going to retreat a sinus infection that I had 3 wks ago with the hope that it is the problem. Cross my fingers and hope to feel better!
Fort Night
Sacrament Bread Night
Adopt a Grandma
Scripture Bags
Modesty "what does your wrapper say about you?"
Parable of the Popcorn "A night to fulfill our potential"
I would love additional ideas if anyone has them
This week we played Scripture Basketball, all the girls had a ton of fun and are excited for the things that are coming up!
As for me so far so good, my treatments seem to be working, my #'s have come down significantly, the only bummer is my white count is up indicating I have an infection, which could head south quickly, nothing if evident right now which is concerning, but they are going to retreat a sinus infection that I had 3 wks ago with the hope that it is the problem. Cross my fingers and hope to feel better!
Monday, January 2, 2012
I Got Laied Last Night
Happy New Year everyone. Just wanted to check in and tell everyone about my fun happy birthday yesterday. I had several visits from dear friends to wish me a happy birthday. My dear friend at church told me happy birthday every time I walked past her or her girls, it really made me feel super special. One of my other friends dropped off a lovely book for me (Christmas with the Prophets). I am super excited to read it, I was fascinated by President Monson's tradition of reading books prior to Christmas. I then had a lovely visit with my dear friend Laurel, who has been in Hawaii for 2 weeks and brought me home a beautiful coconut lai. She was very tan and rested and it sounds like she has had a lovely time.
As for good news, I am finally feeling better then I have physically for almost 2 years. I think we have finally found a medication that is going to help me. It does require 3 to 4 hours of time every 4 to 6 weeks, but other then that I am super happy and thrilled. Today is the best I have felt so far. I felt so good that I spent several hours cleaning and reorganizing books and rooms today. I have not been able to do that for at least 2 years.
Life is looking up, I am looking up, I am thrilled!
As for good news, I am finally feeling better then I have physically for almost 2 years. I think we have finally found a medication that is going to help me. It does require 3 to 4 hours of time every 4 to 6 weeks, but other then that I am super happy and thrilled. Today is the best I have felt so far. I felt so good that I spent several hours cleaning and reorganizing books and rooms today. I have not been able to do that for at least 2 years.
Life is looking up, I am looking up, I am thrilled!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas family and friends, I want to tell everyone how much I love you and miss you that are far away. May the lord bless and keep you on this beautiul day that we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I am Grateful for 21......22......23.....24.......25
I am grateful for friends who don't accuse, just love and laugh and cry with you when you need it, when life feels like a freight train has hit you going 100 miles per hr. Friends that will talk on the phone with you for hours about every random thing that you both can think of to keep the conversation off of what you don't want to really talk about
A warm cozy fireplace and warm fuzzy blankets to keep me warm and cozy
Christmas carols that bring tears to your eyes. Christmas music has a spot in my heart that will never go away.
Inspired leaders who think they know what I need at this moment in my life, even if it is not really what I need in my life, nice that they try to get me to see it in a different light and are trying to help me out
Other people who struggle and are not afraid to say that they are struggling and want to help everyone that is struggling. I hate to admit things are not going as planned, but I know that life it exactly how and what and why because I know I am a Child of God, and he know exactly why I am going through what I am going through. Nice to know that he is always there, no matter what, where, when, how etc.......
I am grateful for friends who don't accuse, just love and laugh and cry with you when you need it, when life feels like a freight train has hit you going 100 miles per hr. Friends that will talk on the phone with you for hours about every random thing that you both can think of to keep the conversation off of what you don't want to really talk about
A warm cozy fireplace and warm fuzzy blankets to keep me warm and cozy
Christmas carols that bring tears to your eyes. Christmas music has a spot in my heart that will never go away.
Inspired leaders who think they know what I need at this moment in my life, even if it is not really what I need in my life, nice that they try to get me to see it in a different light and are trying to help me out
Other people who struggle and are not afraid to say that they are struggling and want to help everyone that is struggling. I hate to admit things are not going as planned, but I know that life it exactly how and what and why because I know I am a Child of God, and he know exactly why I am going through what I am going through. Nice to know that he is always there, no matter what, where, when, how etc.......
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I am Thankful for 17....18....19....20
I am determined to finish this so today I am thankful for
#17 I am thankful for warm socks straight from the dryer that seem to make my ever cold feet warm for a few minutes.
#18 I am thankful for hands that lift and words that humble and seemingly small and simple things that make my life so much happier and so very much more inspired.
#19 I am thankful for Christmas trees and light and decorations that allow me to take my mind off of the things that are pulling my life off of course. I love Christmas it makes me happy even when I seem to struggle against a load I can not pull.
#20 I am thankful for the tender mercies I have received from the Lord today, I have finally understood a part of my patriatical blessing that has always thrown me for a loop. President Christensen talked about the pre-mortal life today in prayer meeting, it was like Heavenly Father was talking right at me, I can't explain how overcome I was afterwards it took me several minutes to get myself back to normal. I can't give enough thanks for it......Some how President Christensen's words have pierced my heart and tears run down my face even now as I write this......The Lord know me, he must know me, and what I need right now it is him right near to lean on for support as I try to make it through what I am attempting to make it through right this minute.....
Stay tuned, I will finish this!
#17 I am thankful for warm socks straight from the dryer that seem to make my ever cold feet warm for a few minutes.
#18 I am thankful for hands that lift and words that humble and seemingly small and simple things that make my life so much happier and so very much more inspired.
#19 I am thankful for Christmas trees and light and decorations that allow me to take my mind off of the things that are pulling my life off of course. I love Christmas it makes me happy even when I seem to struggle against a load I can not pull.
#20 I am thankful for the tender mercies I have received from the Lord today, I have finally understood a part of my patriatical blessing that has always thrown me for a loop. President Christensen talked about the pre-mortal life today in prayer meeting, it was like Heavenly Father was talking right at me, I can't explain how overcome I was afterwards it took me several minutes to get myself back to normal. I can't give enough thanks for it......Some how President Christensen's words have pierced my heart and tears run down my face even now as I write this......The Lord know me, he must know me, and what I need right now it is him right near to lean on for support as I try to make it through what I am attempting to make it through right this minute.....
Stay tuned, I will finish this!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I am grateful for .........16
I am grateful for
Grandmothers and great grandmothers that taught me how to be a strong women in the world that we live me. Grandmothers that had foresight to teach me so many wonderful things before they were past teaching. A lot of the reasons that I do the things are do are because of them. I was raised with confidence and training and practical things that I never thought I would need, but that I use all the time now. Strong grandmothers that taught me who I am, where I need to be going, and what I need to be doing. It is refreshing to know that I have had a wonderful upbringing, due in part to their instruction and love.
Grandmothers and great grandmothers that taught me how to be a strong women in the world that we live me. Grandmothers that had foresight to teach me so many wonderful things before they were past teaching. A lot of the reasons that I do the things are do are because of them. I was raised with confidence and training and practical things that I never thought I would need, but that I use all the time now. Strong grandmothers that taught me who I am, where I need to be going, and what I need to be doing. It is refreshing to know that I have had a wonderful upbringing, due in part to their instruction and love.
I am grateful for ...... 15
I am grateful for
My Garden, I am just starting to put it to bed for the winter and it has as always provided so much food for my family for the upcoming winter that I am truly grateful. It amazes me that spending $30 in seeds and plants can produce so much food. I know that the Lord blesses me with a garden so that we may be prepared for all those many things that may come to pass sooner or later.
My Garden, I am just starting to put it to bed for the winter and it has as always provided so much food for my family for the upcoming winter that I am truly grateful. It amazes me that spending $30 in seeds and plants can produce so much food. I know that the Lord blesses me with a garden so that we may be prepared for all those many things that may come to pass sooner or later.
I am grateful for ....... 14
I am grateful for
Books that I read that inspire me to be a better person, that keep me on top of my game, that allow me to constantly learn about some many different things. That give me hope when it seems like all hope is gone. That teach me how much Heavenly Father truly loves me, when he reaches out of the pages and touches my heart in the exact spot that I needed healing or further understanding on something so small and "dumb" in others eyes, but knows that I need it. Books that teach me how to be a better person, how to bake something divine, or make others happy. Knowledge is truly a gift that we must develop on our own. Books are a wonderful way to acquire more knowledge.
Books that I read that inspire me to be a better person, that keep me on top of my game, that allow me to constantly learn about some many different things. That give me hope when it seems like all hope is gone. That teach me how much Heavenly Father truly loves me, when he reaches out of the pages and touches my heart in the exact spot that I needed healing or further understanding on something so small and "dumb" in others eyes, but knows that I need it. Books that teach me how to be a better person, how to bake something divine, or make others happy. Knowledge is truly a gift that we must develop on our own. Books are a wonderful way to acquire more knowledge.
I am grateful for .......13
I am grateful for
Pride and Prejudice the movie, it always gives me hope that there is a Mr Darcy out there waiting for me to stumble upon him. I know what I have been promised, and that is a husband and children, and even though right now it seems utterly impossible that either of those will happen within the allotted time, I know Heavenly Father loves me, and he would never lie to me, so I know I will have a Mr Darcy and little day
Pride and Prejudice the movie, it always gives me hope that there is a Mr Darcy out there waiting for me to stumble upon him. I know what I have been promised, and that is a husband and children, and even though right now it seems utterly impossible that either of those will happen within the allotted time, I know Heavenly Father loves me, and he would never lie to me, so I know I will have a Mr Darcy and little day
I am Grateful For ...... 12
I am grateful for
Creative people who allow me to steal their ideas and make it mine. I have several friends that fall into this category, some are designer worthy! When my creative juices run dry there is always someone to fall back on that has done something beautiful and shared,
Creative people who allow me to steal their ideas and make it mine. I have several friends that fall into this category, some are designer worthy! When my creative juices run dry there is always someone to fall back on that has done something beautiful and shared,
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I am grateful for.......11
I am grateful for
Friends that care. lately I seem to be lacking in the "friend" department. When I turn to people for advice or a shoulder to cry on they are too busy etc.... After my first treatment yesterday, I received calls from several of my friends to check on me and see how I was doing, and if they could bring me anything or something to help. So nice to know that you are loved by those that around me. I am grateful for the friends that always seem to love me, care for me, call at the moment I am at my whits end etc..... I love that I have people to fall back on, to call in a lurch, to trust with all my problems that I continue to have to deal with. I love them dearly.
Friends that care. lately I seem to be lacking in the "friend" department. When I turn to people for advice or a shoulder to cry on they are too busy etc.... After my first treatment yesterday, I received calls from several of my friends to check on me and see how I was doing, and if they could bring me anything or something to help. So nice to know that you are loved by those that around me. I am grateful for the friends that always seem to love me, care for me, call at the moment I am at my whits end etc..... I love that I have people to fall back on, to call in a lurch, to trust with all my problems that I continue to have to deal with. I love them dearly.
I am Thankful for......10
I am thankful for
The priesthood, Thursday night my dad, brother and grandfather all came over and gave me a beautiful blessing. The hold the power to act in God's name here on the earth. It brings me peace that my life will be ok. I was specifically told that Heavenly Father is pleased with what I am doing in YW, that is huge right now. With my new calling it has made me doubt myself several times if I am doing the right thing, I am glad that I know I am on the right track. I am glad my dad, my brother, my grandfather are worthy to hold to priesthood, and worthy to give me the blessing I received.
The priesthood, Thursday night my dad, brother and grandfather all came over and gave me a beautiful blessing. The hold the power to act in God's name here on the earth. It brings me peace that my life will be ok. I was specifically told that Heavenly Father is pleased with what I am doing in YW, that is huge right now. With my new calling it has made me doubt myself several times if I am doing the right thing, I am glad that I know I am on the right track. I am glad my dad, my brother, my grandfather are worthy to hold to priesthood, and worthy to give me the blessing I received.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I am Thankful for ...... 9
Today I am thankful for
Warm Weather it tends to make my disease easier to handle. Warm weather makes me and my body happier, I don't feel so freezing cold I can't stand it. I hate being hot, but my body says otherwise, it tells me hot is good, hot is limber, hot is happy, hot is loose, hot is not stiff, hot is light and free...... Not really but it seriously what my body thinks so, what do you do???
Warm Weather it tends to make my disease easier to handle. Warm weather makes me and my body happier, I don't feel so freezing cold I can't stand it. I hate being hot, but my body says otherwise, it tells me hot is good, hot is limber, hot is happy, hot is loose, hot is not stiff, hot is light and free...... Not really but it seriously what my body thinks so, what do you do???
I am Thankful for...... 8
I am thankful for
Technology that allows me to find things for my calling, for my disease, for my life quickly and easily. I have been so amazed how much "stuff" it out there for use, I love it, I don't have to be uber creative to make things go well. I don't have to crafty, nifty, thoughtful, loving, etc..... all in one, the computer helps me out! Love love love technology
Technology that allows me to find things for my calling, for my disease, for my life quickly and easily. I have been so amazed how much "stuff" it out there for use, I love it, I don't have to be uber creative to make things go well. I don't have to crafty, nifty, thoughtful, loving, etc..... all in one, the computer helps me out! Love love love technology
I am Thankful for ....... 7
I am thankful for
Modern medicine, that allows my disease to be treated and that allows my body to feel better when it works properly. That allows my Dr to figure out what is wrong with me, and gives him options on how and what to treat me with, even when these treatments can be harmful to my health, yet good for my body and it's reactions to ironically to itself.
Modern medicine, that allows my disease to be treated and that allows my body to feel better when it works properly. That allows my Dr to figure out what is wrong with me, and gives him options on how and what to treat me with, even when these treatments can be harmful to my health, yet good for my body and it's reactions to ironically to itself.
I am Thanful for ...... 6
I am thankful for the
Scriptures, that open before my eyes and speak for heaven above with exactly what I need to read at the exact moment I need to read it. God is good, no more than good, GREAT!
Scriptures, that open before my eyes and speak for heaven above with exactly what I need to read at the exact moment I need to read it. God is good, no more than good, GREAT!
I am Thankful for ...... 5
I am thankful for a
Job, so many people are without work, struggling to keep their heads above water, struggling to keep their family together. I get to work with wonderful people, and wonderful patients. I love them so much, they make me super happy, and I am grateful to have association with them!
Job, so many people are without work, struggling to keep their heads above water, struggling to keep their family together. I get to work with wonderful people, and wonderful patients. I love them so much, they make me super happy, and I am grateful to have association with them!
I am Grateful for ...... 4
I am grateful for my
Savior. He loves me, he supports me, he picks me off of the floor when I can't seem to face my life. He dries my tears, he listens to me complain, he understands my heartache, he understands my pain because he has been through it already. He keeps me going when life seems pointless and too hard. I am grateful that he picks me up and carries me when I can go no further.
Savior. He loves me, he supports me, he picks me off of the floor when I can't seem to face my life. He dries my tears, he listens to me complain, he understands my heartache, he understands my pain because he has been through it already. He keeps me going when life seems pointless and too hard. I am grateful that he picks me up and carries me when I can go no further.
I am Grateful for ...... 3
So I am a little behind, but I am determined to get caught up.
Family, I am grateful for my family that loves me regardless of the decisions that I make. They support me, they listen to me vent, they handle me when I am ornery, is that a word??? I love them so much, there are several that I wish would walk toward the light. But life must not be easy. I must keep praying, and believing that some day they will see what they are missing out on.
Family, I am grateful for my family that loves me regardless of the decisions that I make. They support me, they listen to me vent, they handle me when I am ornery, is that a word??? I love them so much, there are several that I wish would walk toward the light. But life must not be easy. I must keep praying, and believing that some day they will see what they are missing out on.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Meds Update
So I have been forced to make a decision about what to do. I appears my health is spiralling down as I seem to be falling apart quickly so I have made a decision to start a new treatment that is spendy time wise (it takes 3 hrs of infusion) and dollar wise (it is about $2500 per infusion), but hopefully it will pull me out of the spiral I am in. If things go as plan I will start treatment a week from Friday to make sure that I don't have a "bad reaction" and miss a lot of work. Wish me luck!
I am Thankful for........2
I am thankful for the Temple today. I serve there about every Wednesday morning for 6-7 hrs and my life has been richly blessed because of it. I have found renewed energy, love, compassion, strength, faith, spirit, promise, counsel, and inspiration there. When I am at my lowest, it always lifts me, makes me feel like there is a real reason to keep living, a real reason to get up in the morning, a real reason to have faith, that those things that have been promised to me will happen. I don't know how to long I could have held on without this blessing in my life!
I am Thankful for.......1
So I missed yesterday but I am Thankful for so many things I can't miss out on doing this again this year.
So day one I am thankful for my life, my circumstance, everything that I have on my plate I am thankful for. It is building me into someone that can survive anything. I keep reading my blessing and realizing how much harder my life can get. How can I affect all mankind??? I am thankful for me, my life, my experience that is going on right now, everyday until it is over. Some days it sucks, some days it is such a blessing. I find it crazy to say that but so true in moments that I feel "tender mercies" from the Lord.
So day one I am thankful for my life, my circumstance, everything that I have on my plate I am thankful for. It is building me into someone that can survive anything. I keep reading my blessing and realizing how much harder my life can get. How can I affect all mankind??? I am thankful for me, my life, my experience that is going on right now, everyday until it is over. Some days it sucks, some days it is such a blessing. I find it crazy to say that but so true in moments that I feel "tender mercies" from the Lord.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
So I just got home from the Dr's and bummer of news. My new medicine is controlling my symptoms but not my body. So my most recent labs showed that my inflammation marker is back up. So Dr wants me to consider changing meds. Bummer because the new med is done through IV infusion that take about 3 hours. It is more expensive etc..... Bummer Bummer Bummer Now I have to try to make another impossible decision and do what I think is right. Time to get out the old knee pads, I am sure I will be on my knees a lot trying to make this decision. Bummer Bummer Bummer
Sunday, September 11, 2011
As this momentous occasion has slowly come, and I have remembered back to that fateful day, my heart is full and breaking for all of those who lost loved ones 10 years ago. A couple of my friends lost friends that day and it makes the anniversary even that much harder. I would like to reflect just for a moment some of the significant quotes from that day and about that day:
Terrorism against our nation will not stand.”
- George W. Bush – Remarks at Emma Booker Elementary School. Sarasota, Florida – delivered 11 September 2001, 9:30 A.M. EDT
“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat.
- George W. Bush, President of the United States
“Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew. “
- President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001
"All of a sudden there were people screaming. I saw people jumping out of the building. Their arms were flailing. I stopped taking pictures and started crying." - NY free-lance photo journalist, Michael Walters

What do you remember, how do you remember? How we live our lives after is a testament to what we learned. I hope that those who lost their lives that their sacrifice was not in vain, that we have become a more loving and caring people, that we see someone in need and reach out to them to help. That we don't allow violence to happen in front of our faces and not put forth a hand to stop it.
Terrorism against our nation will not stand.”
- George W. Bush – Remarks at Emma Booker Elementary School. Sarasota, Florida – delivered 11 September 2001, 9:30 A.M. EDT
“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat.
- George W. Bush, President of the United States
“Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew. “
- President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001
"All of a sudden there were people screaming. I saw people jumping out of the building. Their arms were flailing. I stopped taking pictures and started crying." - NY free-lance photo journalist, Michael Walters
Workers adjust beams for the Tribute in Lights for the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks Credit: Getty Images
What do you remember, how do you remember? How we live our lives after is a testament to what we learned. I hope that those who lost their lives that their sacrifice was not in vain, that we have become a more loving and caring people, that we see someone in need and reach out to them to help. That we don't allow violence to happen in front of our faces and not put forth a hand to stop it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Shocking 2 Post's in 1 Week
So lately I have been pondering what I am doing here. It seems like my life is stagnant and not going any where, anytime I pray about it I get the same answer "you need to have patience". I have been mad, maybe more the mad, angry may be a better term for it. Not the I smashed my thumb and I can't believe I did that anger, more the What is He thinking? Does he know how much it hurts to keep carrying on and not want to go to bed and never wake up anymore forever again? I know he does it just seems like my life is going nowhere and will continue to go nowhere until I do something, which I can't really do, because I need to have patience!
Thus my venting I apologize, but really what do I have to do to get moving in some direction, preferably in the positive not the negative? I guess keep praying for strength to survive where ever this will take me. No wonder why Satan is working overtime.
Shout out to Laurel who has tried to be my savior 3 times now! Thanks for all that you do and your listening to the spirit and doing as directed! You almost caught me twice, I finally gave in the last time THANK YOU! I just wish I was stronger then I am and that I would keep myself above water like you do, something to look forward to in a better place at a different time.
So now that I am done venting I guess I will go to bed and keep praying for something to make things better! Praying for a calmer, nicer, non-angry me! I know that my family would be happy with anything other then what they have now!
Thus my venting I apologize, but really what do I have to do to get moving in some direction, preferably in the positive not the negative? I guess keep praying for strength to survive where ever this will take me. No wonder why Satan is working overtime.
Shout out to Laurel who has tried to be my savior 3 times now! Thanks for all that you do and your listening to the spirit and doing as directed! You almost caught me twice, I finally gave in the last time THANK YOU! I just wish I was stronger then I am and that I would keep myself above water like you do, something to look forward to in a better place at a different time.
So now that I am done venting I guess I will go to bed and keep praying for something to make things better! Praying for a calmer, nicer, non-angry me! I know that my family would be happy with anything other then what they have now!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
It's been awhile
So it's been awhile since I have posted, summer has been crazy busy and fun and depressing all in the same sentence.
I went for blood work last week, and my inflammation markers are up 0.2, the exact # they were down last time so that is a bummer of huge proportions. Oh well I will carry on.
What have I been up too you ask? Lots of YW, Family, and Holidays. All kinds of fun
Jonathan and his family all decked out in sunglasses
Baby Pigs at the family reunion
Can you see the baby bird in the nest? So cute
Whitney's birthday cake, she is wearing the hat I gave her for her birthday!
Young Women playing croquet at my house, it was all kinds of fun
Kids all lined up to watch fireworks on Pioneer Holiday so cute!
My brothers the pyromaniacs
The last hurrah of the fireworks
Clara and Timmy watching the fireworks
Young women boating trip to Deer Creek, wake boarding and the girls cheering her on!
Playing in the water
Leaders on the tube having fun
Tube wipe out
I think they are going over!
Well that is how my summer has gone by, quickly I may add! Here is to cooler weather and fun fall activities and traditions!
I went for blood work last week, and my inflammation markers are up 0.2, the exact # they were down last time so that is a bummer of huge proportions. Oh well I will carry on.
What have I been up too you ask? Lots of YW, Family, and Holidays. All kinds of fun
Jonathan and his family all decked out in sunglasses
Baby Pigs at the family reunion
Can you see the baby bird in the nest? So cute
Whitney's birthday cake, she is wearing the hat I gave her for her birthday!
Young Women playing croquet at my house, it was all kinds of fun
Kids all lined up to watch fireworks on Pioneer Holiday so cute!
My brothers the pyromaniacs
The last hurrah of the fireworks
Clara and Timmy watching the fireworks
Young women boating trip to Deer Creek, wake boarding and the girls cheering her on!
Playing in the water
Leaders on the tube having fun
Tube wipe out
I think they are going over!
Well that is how my summer has gone by, quickly I may add! Here is to cooler weather and fun fall activities and traditions!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Books, books, and more books
So with Vacation and some time to myself I find time to read there has been much time to read, sleep and relax with a good book. Of course I am sure there are better things out there for me to do but I love to read so here is a list of what I have read lately!
"If I stay" a short book that will keep you wanting more. When a girl and her family is involved in a massive car accident, she must decide if she is going to stay.... This book kept me up and reading into the wee hours of the night. I had to know what was going to happen, it pulled at my heart strings it made me think what I would choose if I had a choice.
Tiger's Quest a 2nd book in a series of books that have kept me on the edge of loving tigers for real. I always an adventure with a little bit of romance that makes me come back for more and more. I just wish she could write faster so that I can read the rest of the story. Kelsey is back home in Oregon and back in school trying hard to forget her Tiger Ren and how much she loved him, but she left him and now she must find happiness and possibly love again, but how can she forget her Ren? November can't come fast enough.
Everlasting the final book in The Immortals series was finally closure to a series that started out strong faltered and picked back up.
The 39 Clues book 11. Life seems like it will be back to normal for Amy and Dan but little do they know they are fighting an enemy from the beginning of their story. Life will continue to get better and better.
The Throne of Fire. A new series from Rick Riordan (The Percy Jackson and the Olympians books). This is the second book in the Kane Chronicles that are all about Egyptian mythology. I have learned more about Egypt and the pharaohs and their beliefs then I could have imagined. A wonderful second book that has been me reading and wondering what will happen next. A great series to start reading!
Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer The Abduction. For any of you that enjoy John Grisham's work but can't get through a 700 law book. These books are for you Theo Boone's is a kid lawyer who helps out his friends and love the law. Since both his parents are lawyers he is handling schoolyard stuff and loving it. That is until his friend Amy is abducted and life is turned upside down. He has to do anything he can to find her and get her back safely. John Grisham writes delightful kids books that make me want to read more. I read his first book in the series last year and loved it. I wasn't aware he was writing another one but this is wonderful and the characters are vibrant and lovely.
These are just a few things that I have been reading lately. Have you read something wonderful and profound? Let me know leave a comment!
"If I stay" a short book that will keep you wanting more. When a girl and her family is involved in a massive car accident, she must decide if she is going to stay.... This book kept me up and reading into the wee hours of the night. I had to know what was going to happen, it pulled at my heart strings it made me think what I would choose if I had a choice.
Tiger's Quest a 2nd book in a series of books that have kept me on the edge of loving tigers for real. I always an adventure with a little bit of romance that makes me come back for more and more. I just wish she could write faster so that I can read the rest of the story. Kelsey is back home in Oregon and back in school trying hard to forget her Tiger Ren and how much she loved him, but she left him and now she must find happiness and possibly love again, but how can she forget her Ren? November can't come fast enough.
Everlasting the final book in The Immortals series was finally closure to a series that started out strong faltered and picked back up.
The 39 Clues book 11. Life seems like it will be back to normal for Amy and Dan but little do they know they are fighting an enemy from the beginning of their story. Life will continue to get better and better.
The Throne of Fire. A new series from Rick Riordan (The Percy Jackson and the Olympians books). This is the second book in the Kane Chronicles that are all about Egyptian mythology. I have learned more about Egypt and the pharaohs and their beliefs then I could have imagined. A wonderful second book that has been me reading and wondering what will happen next. A great series to start reading!
Theodore Boone Kid Lawyer The Abduction. For any of you that enjoy John Grisham's work but can't get through a 700 law book. These books are for you Theo Boone's is a kid lawyer who helps out his friends and love the law. Since both his parents are lawyers he is handling schoolyard stuff and loving it. That is until his friend Amy is abducted and life is turned upside down. He has to do anything he can to find her and get her back safely. John Grisham writes delightful kids books that make me want to read more. I read his first book in the series last year and loved it. I wasn't aware he was writing another one but this is wonderful and the characters are vibrant and lovely.
These are just a few things that I have been reading lately. Have you read something wonderful and profound? Let me know leave a comment!
The Verdict is in
So I saw the Dr today. I was excited to see if my lab #'s had improved. Well the verdict is in and while they are not as good as I would have hoped they are going down maybe slow and steady will be a better approach and outlook. So my CRP (c reactive protein level that monitors the amount of inflammation in my body) has dropped 0.2. So it has not dropped the full digit numbers that I and my Dr would like to see but, a dropping level is a good sign, much better then a rising number. We have not entered the "peak results" phase of my new medicine. It can take 3-6 months before we see how well the medicine will work. I have only had 4 shots so we are still early in this process and have time to wait and see. I feel like we are heading in the right direction and that is a direction I am very interested in. I pray that Heavenly Father will give me the strength to get through this. I know that I have been blessed with these trials to give me patience, some thing which I am very much lacking. I just hope that I can continue to see the beauty of the rain.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I needed a Vacation
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Cross your finger, say a little prayer, cross your fingers.....
So today I went in for my blood draw, a pretty routine thing every 6-8 wks. I did put this off more then the 8 wks because of the new shots that I am on. Now I am not one to like giving myself injections and the medicine burns quite a bit, so I make the NP that I work for give it to me. That will be a problem next week when I am on vacation. Mom has offered to help me do it, I think I can trust her. So normally blood work is a breeze, I go in, I don't have to check in due to new "Express Passes" and then I wait for the lab lady. Today I was super nervous so I put it off until 5:30pm. I guess I should go earlier, the late lab lady poked me twice and got someone else, who then asked for my advice and actually took it. So that is 3 pokes for blood today, hope I don't bruise too bad. I am crossing my fingers that my inflammation factor has gone down. It would be a good indication that things are looking up and that the 10,000 a month shots are working. This could be a bit premature though the Dr said it could take 6 months for me to start feeling the effects and have a change in my blood work. So here is to lower inflammation factors and not getting sick (so far) and 3 pokes for blood. I will let you know when I know. Life is looking up in general as I leave for vacation in a few days!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday's Angels
Don't you just love going to church and Sunday's? I know I do, I feel like I get so much especially in times like now that I am struggling to deal with my new stuff. I kept praying for angels since Wednesday, and guess what, I got angel's yesterday. In a kind word, a spontaneous hug, a quick thank you and inspired lessons and discussions. Then I go to family dinner at grandma's and we have a great discussion and I start to feel better about everything that is going on. Then off to bed, where I crack open my scriptures and bam, it's right there in front of my face again. I am loved by so many people and so many people keep me walking forward, one foot in front of another! I am so grateful to all my earthly angels for keeping me smiling and focused on the positive energy so it's easier to hear my Heavenly Father when he is whispering to me, but my crying, and tears have washed out the whispering. Thank you all! May God continue to bless me and those around me to feel like your affliction shall be but a moment.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Books and their effect on my brain!
So lately I have had a hard time dealing with what is on my plate. Last weekend my mom and me ended up at my very favorite store Barnes and Noble. I bought a whole bunch of new books. I know when I am feeling really down and blue that a trip to the book store always makes my day brighter, and it definitely did last weekend. I tend to notice that the more I spend on books the more depressed I have been, so when I spent well over $100 I knew I must have really needed to decompress. At the time I didn't know how trying this week would be so I think my spirit must have had an idea of what was going to happen. This week as I was trying to come to grips with new information and change I started reading to escape what had been going on in my life. Almost like running away for a weekend but not spending money. I have stayed up late 2 nights in a row finishing 2 books by the same author. Now I can't remember her name, I will have to google it. The two books I read were The Girl Who Chased the Moon, and The Peach Keepers. Written by Sarah Addison Allen. They were fantastic, cute, nice escape books. She write about small Southern towns and people. Very entertaining and lovely. If anyone would like to borrow let me know. They have definitely given me the little bit of escape that I really needed this week.
This morning I got up and went to the Temple with the girls from our YW to do baptisms. We didn't need 2 leaders to drive so Sister Lambert picked me up and we picked up the girls. What a wonderful experience, it never ceases to amaze me the peace and reassurance that you feel in the temple, even if you are only waiting for other people. I know that Heavenly Father has blessed me tremendously in seeing what was ahead and inspiring the bishop to ask me to serve in the temple on Wednesday mornings. It really has been my saving grace.
I also found a new fun church blog done by a Seminary Teacher, she talked about keeping a scripture journal and as you are reading the scriptures writing down everything that comes into your mind and your thought and feelings. I started doing that and starting reading the Book of Mormon again and this week has been super wonderful. It take a lot of time to write down what you are thinking as you read, but it has been quite wonderful.
This morning I got up and went to the Temple with the girls from our YW to do baptisms. We didn't need 2 leaders to drive so Sister Lambert picked me up and we picked up the girls. What a wonderful experience, it never ceases to amaze me the peace and reassurance that you feel in the temple, even if you are only waiting for other people. I know that Heavenly Father has blessed me tremendously in seeing what was ahead and inspiring the bishop to ask me to serve in the temple on Wednesday mornings. It really has been my saving grace.
I also found a new fun church blog done by a Seminary Teacher, she talked about keeping a scripture journal and as you are reading the scriptures writing down everything that comes into your mind and your thought and feelings. I started doing that and starting reading the Book of Mormon again and this week has been super wonderful. It take a lot of time to write down what you are thinking as you read, but it has been quite wonderful.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
So Sorry
So lately my blog has become whiner central, and for that I apologize. I have had a rough couple of months and still am, but I will try to save those whiny moments for myself. I really do do other things. Lately I have been reading. In fact I just finished another book this week it was Unbroken, about a man and his life growing up and surviving some amazing experiences during WWII. His plane went down and he survived on a raft for 47 days with no food or water (except what he found and made work). I was fascinated, what a story of survival things only went on to get worse. Let me know if you would like to borrow, it is wonderful. I also finished a story a couple of weeks ago called I Am Asher Lev. This is a story of a Jewish boy and his struggle with his religion and his life. He was an artist and this brought so much pain and hurt to him and his family and his struggle with life. I am now reading a Newberry award winner called Moon over Manifest about a girl that is sent to a town in the middle of the depression while her dad is off working and her adventures of finding out about her dad and how he was as a child. When I finish that I am going to read a manuscript of a friend that want feed back on a young adult book they have been writing. So that should be interesting. I am hanging in there, hope you all are doing well!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Snow Day
As the big flakes of snow gently fall from the sky, I have been at peace. I think finally my meds are helping, but I was just diagnosed with a sinus infection, which means I can't take my meds until I have been cleared from infection for 3 wks. So I feel like we are starting over again. I try to get it to be two weeks, but I was given a stern talking to by the nurse. So just as I am beginning to feel better, it will all go away. I am OK with that. Because the snow is so beautiful and the quiet so complete, I am complete at least for now.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why today, why now?
As the rain patters on the windows and I close my yawning mouth, I am wondering why today has been so great, there were times today that I felt all alone, that the pain and the pressure of being "old" is wearing on me. That fact that I am not married and not close to being married (this all in a culture that preaches marriage and family), yet so want to be married and have a family. It is this thought that has tears streaming down my face. I know I need to be patient, but how long is that going to be? I feel like the kid in the back of the car who keeps asking how much longer, are we there yet? How many more minutes until we reach our destination. How many more minutes of crying and weeping must I endure. Then I started thinking about what has been all over the news lately, and more and more I realize that I might just be seeing the Savior come, and am I ready? Am I prepared? Am I worthy? So many questions so little time....
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday's
So as I may have mentioned I started working in the Temple on Wednesday's in the morning. The shift goes from 5:30 am to 12 noon. It has been a great blessing so far. This week on my "schedule" as you rotate through different things I was a "sealing patron". Me being new to the whole temple thing didn't know what that meant. I was super nervous and exciting. I made my way to 3rd floor of the temple and dressed. What a wonderful experience. I was overcome with the spirit and even just reliving this experience right now I am in tears. May of you know that the spirit is directly related to my tear ducts. Well sitting there in the sealing room on Wednesday I reflected on my life and where I thought it would go and where it has gone. The sealer stopped and shared so insight from President Faust which was moving and as we began ordinances again I tried to concentrate on the names and had a prayer in my heart that they would understand what we were doing for them. At one point at the start of an ordinance I was overcome with the spirit and felt like we were surrounded by those for whom we were preforming the ordinance. The sealer was overwhelmed and as tears streamed down his face and mine, I knew that family was there. That they had been waiting, that they were prepared and that joy was breath taking. I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to serve in this capacity. What a wonderful blessing!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Life is looking up
Ok so life is looking up. Or maybe it is that I am looking up. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. The sunshine, the blue sky, who knows, what has changed, only that I don't think I can keep feeling terrible forever! Oh well I will run with it!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Another Day another crisis
Do you ever just wish the crisis's would end? Work crisis, health crisis, church issues, friend issues? I really need to get a break here, but today it has all come to a head.
Got to work early to try to get ready for the day before the interviews came, didn't really happen. We did interviews and went late. Got back to work with 5 people sitting in my lobby upset that I made them wait, hurry got them in and ran off the the Dr's appt, my heart rate not so good when I get there, trying to decide what to do about it, Dr gets paged from the ER (he is on call today). Listen to him talk with the ER Dr for 20 minutes trying to figure out what is wrong with poor lady in the ER. He focuses his attention on me again to be interrupted by the ER again. Getting back to the heart rate we discuss what to do, add meds, live with it, etc.... He wants to start med specific "beta blocker" I can't take that because of asthma, he looks it up, thinks it "may be ok", ask him to call pulm Dr, he says maybe not... Do surgery??? Live with it???? We make a decision and then move on. Run back to work desk is stacked with paperwork (where did that all come from)? Run around all day help Pt's, boos says can you believe it's 6pm? Freak out, people are coming to my house at 7 and it's 6:15. Tell my boss I have to go, no options. Pile everything up throw it in a drawer and run out, I have 3 messages on the cell. Listen to them, issues with YW tonight (the thing at my house at 7). Call her back figure it out, call mom to see if someone is home, can't reach anyone, start to freak out, call cell # no answer, call Dad, he is home, call person back tell them to come. Get other messages. Friend having a crisis, needs help right away, other Dr's office called they need to talk to me (good bad????) call back they are gone for the day, call friend tell her I will come over after thing at my house.
Thing at the house, turns out ok, not great, but who really cares, clean up kick people out etc.... Leave for friends house, OMG I am out of gas, stop for gas, OMG it went up 25 cents from this morning! Call friend leave a message I am on my way, fill up, get on freeway, get a text, get off freeway, friend says don't come, text her back, turn around go home. Friend texts back, pull over, read text, still head home, get call from friend, pull over, she wants me to come back, turn around head back to her house, drop stuff off, help her with the issue, make her promise to call first thing make sure she is ok. Turn around come back home, mail is spilling out of the mail box, get the mail, pull up the email send email, tell her I am thinking about her, that i love her. Go through mail, get card from other friend, she is wonderful, not sure how I would have made it through the day with everything, she is beyond wonderful, inspired. Type this way to long narrative and them I am going to bed. Hope I wasn't too boring, my life is out of control, I need for something to go right for a change, tomorrow is a day that I have that possibility. Pray for my friend in crisis, she needs it way more then I do! Peace out, good night!
Got to work early to try to get ready for the day before the interviews came, didn't really happen. We did interviews and went late. Got back to work with 5 people sitting in my lobby upset that I made them wait, hurry got them in and ran off the the Dr's appt, my heart rate not so good when I get there, trying to decide what to do about it, Dr gets paged from the ER (he is on call today). Listen to him talk with the ER Dr for 20 minutes trying to figure out what is wrong with poor lady in the ER. He focuses his attention on me again to be interrupted by the ER again. Getting back to the heart rate we discuss what to do, add meds, live with it, etc.... He wants to start med specific "beta blocker" I can't take that because of asthma, he looks it up, thinks it "may be ok", ask him to call pulm Dr, he says maybe not... Do surgery??? Live with it???? We make a decision and then move on. Run back to work desk is stacked with paperwork (where did that all come from)? Run around all day help Pt's, boos says can you believe it's 6pm? Freak out, people are coming to my house at 7 and it's 6:15. Tell my boss I have to go, no options. Pile everything up throw it in a drawer and run out, I have 3 messages on the cell. Listen to them, issues with YW tonight (the thing at my house at 7). Call her back figure it out, call mom to see if someone is home, can't reach anyone, start to freak out, call cell # no answer, call Dad, he is home, call person back tell them to come. Get other messages. Friend having a crisis, needs help right away, other Dr's office called they need to talk to me (good bad????) call back they are gone for the day, call friend tell her I will come over after thing at my house.
Thing at the house, turns out ok, not great, but who really cares, clean up kick people out etc.... Leave for friends house, OMG I am out of gas, stop for gas, OMG it went up 25 cents from this morning! Call friend leave a message I am on my way, fill up, get on freeway, get a text, get off freeway, friend says don't come, text her back, turn around go home. Friend texts back, pull over, read text, still head home, get call from friend, pull over, she wants me to come back, turn around head back to her house, drop stuff off, help her with the issue, make her promise to call first thing make sure she is ok. Turn around come back home, mail is spilling out of the mail box, get the mail, pull up the email send email, tell her I am thinking about her, that i love her. Go through mail, get card from other friend, she is wonderful, not sure how I would have made it through the day with everything, she is beyond wonderful, inspired. Type this way to long narrative and them I am going to bed. Hope I wasn't too boring, my life is out of control, I need for something to go right for a change, tomorrow is a day that I have that possibility. Pray for my friend in crisis, she needs it way more then I do! Peace out, good night!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Busy Bee
So today I started working in the Temple. I was so nervous I thought I was going to throw-up, but guess what everything was fine! In fact I am sure this will be a wonderful experience! I am happy to be serving the Lord in another capacity! When I was set apart I was given some pretty spectacular promises, it was a wonderful thing. In the meeting with President Christensen he spoke of wounds unseen, I feel like I have been dealing with so many of these that it has been hard to be real to myself. I know that things will get better, that I must learn to have more patience. Hope everyone is doing well!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I just posted on my family blog, so I decided to post it here as well, you should all get most of it, if not just laugh at me, it's ok!
My life has been super crazy lately and it has been awhile since I have gotten on. Yes I agree this should be the Becky and Lana exchange stories, etc... Blog. Life here in Utah has been pretty dang cold as of lately. For several days early this week it did not get above 20 degree's. Needless to say my walk into the hospital has been super cold as we have to park out in the north 40.
My life has been all over the map lately. My arthritis has been super bad lately that another stress dose of prednisone was needed to allow me to bend my arm. I started a new medication that has a list of really scary side effects but hopefully it helps. This medication is generic so it's cheap, the next medication is $2000 a month so I am hoping we don't have to go there. But the nausea, sores in my mouth and my hair falling out is starting to kind of freak me out. We just doubled the medicine that I have to take to counter act the side effects, so maybe that will help, it will be another couple of weeks before we find out if things are working or not.
I am loving my job, my boss is great, my patients and their families are great. We just had a major change so I think everything will now fall into place. I love the fact that the cute old people are in need of a person who cares and will listen to them. Their stories are fascinating and wonderful. Their courage and determination inspired me to no end. Oh the places you will go the things you will do, the people you will meet! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
I am still in Young Women's and loving every minute of it. The girls are wonderful and so caring. They are full of energy and love and I love them so much. It is so much fun to see them get older and wiser and move on to better things. I just accepted an assignment to work in the temple on Wed mornings. I am excited but a little nervous about things, but I am sure it will be wonderful! I was asked to talk in Sacrament meeting in a couple of weeks, which I really don't like doing, but I must need to. Anyone with advise on speaking on The proclamation to the World on the family, please send ideas my way.
Travel plans so far this year are a week in northern California salmon fishing with my family, we are renting a house right by the beach and it should be a great adventure for all of us. I then am going to spend a week driving up the Oregon coast with a friend (that is still in the planning phase so hopefully it will turn out). I plan on spending a few days in AZ visiting my grandma and grandpa wood. Girls camp is in August, family reunion over Labor day weekend. I am sure a couple other fun things are to come as well.
I really miss you all in Florida. I occasionally have dreams that I am there to visit. I am hoping that happens maybe next year, we will see. Spring time sounds nice for a warm weather get away.
How are thing with the family? Kids still doing well? Bethany, Jake? I heard Megan had her baby and he is cute (according to LaNece). Several of my friends are expecting and I am super excited for them. I feel like I am writing a book, so I will finish and be done for another little bit.
Keep in touch, I miss you all and love our family not matter how far away, I am sending my love and prayer and thoughts your way! May the Lord bless and keep you safe until we meet again!
My life has been super crazy lately and it has been awhile since I have gotten on. Yes I agree this should be the Becky and Lana exchange stories, etc... Blog. Life here in Utah has been pretty dang cold as of lately. For several days early this week it did not get above 20 degree's. Needless to say my walk into the hospital has been super cold as we have to park out in the north 40.
My life has been all over the map lately. My arthritis has been super bad lately that another stress dose of prednisone was needed to allow me to bend my arm. I started a new medication that has a list of really scary side effects but hopefully it helps. This medication is generic so it's cheap, the next medication is $2000 a month so I am hoping we don't have to go there. But the nausea, sores in my mouth and my hair falling out is starting to kind of freak me out. We just doubled the medicine that I have to take to counter act the side effects, so maybe that will help, it will be another couple of weeks before we find out if things are working or not.
I am loving my job, my boss is great, my patients and their families are great. We just had a major change so I think everything will now fall into place. I love the fact that the cute old people are in need of a person who cares and will listen to them. Their stories are fascinating and wonderful. Their courage and determination inspired me to no end. Oh the places you will go the things you will do, the people you will meet! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
I am still in Young Women's and loving every minute of it. The girls are wonderful and so caring. They are full of energy and love and I love them so much. It is so much fun to see them get older and wiser and move on to better things. I just accepted an assignment to work in the temple on Wed mornings. I am excited but a little nervous about things, but I am sure it will be wonderful! I was asked to talk in Sacrament meeting in a couple of weeks, which I really don't like doing, but I must need to. Anyone with advise on speaking on The proclamation to the World on the family, please send ideas my way.
Travel plans so far this year are a week in northern California salmon fishing with my family, we are renting a house right by the beach and it should be a great adventure for all of us. I then am going to spend a week driving up the Oregon coast with a friend (that is still in the planning phase so hopefully it will turn out). I plan on spending a few days in AZ visiting my grandma and grandpa wood. Girls camp is in August, family reunion over Labor day weekend. I am sure a couple other fun things are to come as well.
I really miss you all in Florida. I occasionally have dreams that I am there to visit. I am hoping that happens maybe next year, we will see. Spring time sounds nice for a warm weather get away.
How are thing with the family? Kids still doing well? Bethany, Jake? I heard Megan had her baby and he is cute (according to LaNece). Several of my friends are expecting and I am super excited for them. I feel like I am writing a book, so I will finish and be done for another little bit.
Keep in touch, I miss you all and love our family not matter how far away, I am sending my love and prayer and thoughts your way! May the Lord bless and keep you safe until we meet again!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Just Keep on Going
This winter has been terrible so far. My arthritis has gotten worse and we are now considering a "chemo" drug to see if it helps. I finally and back to walking like a normal person, the last 4 weeks have been extremely painful and challenging mentally to keep things in perspective. It is easy to forget how blessed I am and get lost in the self pity and loneliness that feels like it can be consuming. I need to take a good look around and realize how much I have been given and how much more I need to give back. I find myself sad and depressed and lashing out at my family, something I try not to do, but sometimes feel is the only option. I am trying to come up with some New Year resolutions and I am struggling to see anything positive that is up coming. Even my birthday was hard, not sure what this is all about, but I am determined to get over myself and keep moving forward. I have come to a realization that my Iaido is done and over with, my Dr keeps telling me if I want to be walking in 5 years I will do what he tells me. I will, I just don't know how to overcome the hole that has been created. Earlier this week I was actually feeling much better, but I am not getting pain and stiffness in my neck and Oh My Heck, I really have been doing everything right, not sure why I keep getting knocked down. My saving graces right now are my weekly temple attendance (it makes me laugh the the ladies know who I am now), and my young women's calling. The girls continue to inspire and uplift me at every turn. Well I best stop whining now and get off my butt and do something. Keep smiling, I am going to try!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
December Has Been Crazy Busy
Then came the decorating the tree, what fun this year! Clara is old enough to want to help but young enough not to know how. All the kids had fun decorating the tree!
Next was the making of gingerbread houses and let the kids the freedom to do as they pleased. This year mom bought gingerbread house boxes. It made it easy for the kids to get things up and running quickly. The kids had a ton of fun and their house turned out super cute and fun!
Next up in traditions is the Robinson Family Christmas party. It is always on the 23rd come rain, snow or shine. This year grandpa did a spotlight on the birth of Joseph Smith and how it coincides with the celebration of the birth of our Savior. It was a touching moment.
Then came Christmas Eve at our house, with games, presents, kids, cookies, stories and fun. I am not sure that I like the kids new Shock game, but everything else was super fun!
Next comes Christmas morning. Which is really more Christmas noon. I got up early and and made raspberry rolls (which didn't turn out right). I also made homemade baked doughnuts that were delicious. Definitely a make again thing. They were easy and wonderful and everyone seemed to like them!
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